What a lovely week it has been in Year 1. We are very proud of the children and their positive attitude towards their learning. They have thrown themselves back into school life and it has been a pleasure to observe.

In English, the children have been exploring grammar and the rule for adding an -s or es for plurals and how to change a verb into a noun by adding the suffix – er. In Maths, we have been re-visiting time and measurement by securing our days of the week, months of the year, half past, quarter past and quarter to times. The children have enjoyed using their individual clocks to tell the time and check their answers. In Science, we have been exploring deciduous and evergreen trees and their features. Please encourage your child to investigate trees in your neighborhood and determine their classification. Take a look at our wonderful photos of the children in action, investigating their leaves. In Art, we have continued to build upon the Lowry cityscapes and developing our knowledge of perspective. The children are currently working on their foreground detail and we cannot wait to show you the finished results. In History, Year 1 have been learning key facts about the Wright brothers and investigating the differences between the Wright Flyer and a modern aeroplane. What a jam-packed week of super learning!

This week in English Year 2 have been planning their stories based on Somebody swallowed Stanley. They have had to think carefully about their characters and have carefully selected appropriate vocabulary. In Maths, the children have recalled how to use a tally chart, posed a question and then plotted a bar chart with that information. In Topic, the children have had a wonderful time creating a quiz as well as answering quizzes from different classes

This week in Year 3 we have been polishing up our place value skills and ability to solve number problems with ease and speed. English has been particularly fun this week, with children drafting their independent diary entry with time conjunctions and interesting punctuation with a personal tone. In Science, children have been busy completing their designs whilst starting to enjoy making their very own catapult launchers!

As the thunderstorms brewed above the school, in Year 4 this week we explored the phenomenon of static electricity. Linking with our topic ‘Energy’ and scientific learning around electricity, we identified the variables of a fair test; understanding how we change one variable and keep the rest the same. First, we tested different materials and then created our own fair test. Some of us tested if the shape or size of the material changed the results, some the colour of the balloon and others the time building up static electricity. It was interesting to see how this learning explained the lightening outside of our windows!

We wish you a great weekend.

Katherine Mustoe
Head of Primary