Science Fair Update
Our Years 7, 8 and 9 students complete their practical investigations today and from Monday will begin analysing and evaluating their results. The next stage will be for students to upload all results, reports and findings on the brand new student-created website. I look forward to sharing further updates.
Examination Update
Predicted grades and examination evidence have now been submitted to both Cambridge International and Pearson Edexcel examination boards. I would like to congratulate all students and teachers for their hard work in achieving this.
Hot Weather
From Monday next week, Secondary students will not be required to wear their school tie for the remainder of the term. The weather in recent days has been extremely hot and hopefully, this relaxation of uniform code will ensure our students remain comfortable and able to work productively in their various learning environments.
Secondary Shakespeare
Year 8 have been studying William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. As part of their work they have been exploring the relationships between different characters. Year 8 took part in a talk show where Oberon and Titania were able to discuss their argument over the Changeling Child. However, although they were helped by the sympathetic host; year 8 decided the best way forward was for Oberon and Titania to separate. They agreed William Shakespeare would have approved.

ShangPi Skyline Competition
This week, we are delighted to announce that Elisa Heemskerk from Key stage 4 is the winner of the ShangPi skyline competition. The standard throughout the competition was exceptional and there were some incredible entries this year, all of which highlighted the diverse talents of Britannica Secondary students. Congratulations, Elisa!

Paul Farrell
Principal Designate