The end of the academic year always brings with it the celebration of student achievements. With the end of the academic year upon us, I am delighted to report on the continued success of our students. This has been a very demanding year, but with their determined and charismatic approach, they have managed to accomplish an enormous amount.
Britannica’s first online science fair has finally come to a close.
With only a few days of school remaining it is often challenging for students to remain focused and motivated. I was delighted to take part in a science challenge with Year 8 where this certainly wasn’t the case.
Unfortunately, the team of teachers were shown up and beaten by one of the student groups. Hands on, practical, problem-solving challenges are an excellent way for students to develop their teamwork, creativity and communication skills.

Not only have they worked tirelessly with their studies, but our students have managed to take part in a wide variety of co-curricular activities and events. I have been particularly pleased to witness the additional leadership roles undertaken by our students throughout the year. These roles have ranged from coaching school sports teams to providing one-on-one subject-specific support for younger students within the school.
The highlight of my year was the time I was able to spend with our students. In turn, they were straightforward, challenging, frustrating, kind, boisterous and hilarious, and for this, I thank them all.
As I look back on my second year at Britannica, I remain amazed by the extraordinary level of dedication shown by every member of our senior school team: students, parents and teachers.
I would like to acknowledge the efforts of each member of the Secondary teaching team, and express my appreciation for the smooth transition made from in school to online learning and eventually the final weeks of in-school intense lessons and secondary examinations. I have received only positive feedback from parents, colleagues and friends of Britannica of how the entire Secondary student body embraced the responsibilities that come with being senior members of the school community and provided approachable and valued role models for younger students.
The end of the school year always brings mixed emotions but above all, as I look back on this academic year and think about the young people who are about to leave us to take their place in the world, I am filled with hope, optimism and pride. I wish them and all of you well for a restful summer, with time to relax, reflect and enjoy family time together before taking the next step to University and other educational opportunities.
Paul Farrell
Principal Designate