Our assemblies this week have focused on collaboration and teamwork as we celebrate our Houses. Key Stage 2 enjoyed creating empowering posters for the respective Houses and a tug of war competition, whilst Key Stage 1 had fun taking part in a range of mini events and activities. Please do encourage your child to take part in the Primary House Reading competition over the holidays – we are looking forward to seeing the children’s photos reading in different places in Shanghai and of course hearing about the books they have read!

Also this week, Year 1 have been investigating our local area and giving directions from our school to the park. They have also been focusing on addition and number bonds in Maths and the relationship between numbers.

Year 2 have been hard at work writing their own fables, using a thesaurus to add exciting adjectives and editing their stories to make them more interesting for the reader; demonstrating progressive writing skills. Their fables contain wonderful messages about kindness and looking after each other. In Science, they have continued to investigate their basic needs and focused on living healthy lifestyles with an emphasis on exercise.

Year 3 have been revising what they have learnt this half term in Maths and have been showing off what they know by creating eye- catching and informative brochures about all things Place Value! In Topic, they have continued to learn about the Stone Age by researching how a fossil is made and how this helps us better understand the past.

Year 4 have been using fantastic descriptive writing skills to create the most amazing fact files for their imaginary dragons. They explored dragon language and the use of interesting adjectives and drew detailed diagrams of their creations in order to design the most tremendous fact files! And the great work didn’t stop there… working well within their Topic groups, the children combined their research, artistic design and enthusiasm to create some brilliant biome display posters. The children were able to share and discuss their findings with the other groups and enjoyed comparing and contrasting the information they learned!

Year 5 have begun to look at recounts and started to plan and write their own recount of a terrible experience eating at a restaurant. They had great fun coming up with their own ideas for an awful restaurant! In Topic they continued to learn about the Romans, finding out about the Colosseum and Roman gladiators.

In Art this week Year 6 used mathematics to draw accurate self-portraits. The students learned to use measurements and basic shapes to establish where to place facial features and how to determine the proportions of each.