What a great first term it was for our secondary students in PE. I would just like to say on behalf of the PE department just how proud we have been of our secondary students’ efforts last term. Every year group, from Year 7 through to Year 13, all students have been working extremely hard in their respective sports, whether this be developing their overall physical fitness during our Health-Related Exercise unit of work, or developing their skills, techniques and tactical awareness in their Invasion Games unit of work. Not only this but it was also nice to see all our secondary students take part in our first House Competition of the year. The students’ knowledge was tested within our sports quiz as well as their physical fitness and tactical decision making in our capture the flag style game. It truly was a great start to the school year in PE for our secondary students.

This week all students have now entered their new PE block where they will now be focusing on a new sporting topic. Here new skills am sure will be learnt as well as old ones being further developed.

Overall, as mentioned previously, it has once again been a very busy term for our secondary students in PE and as always, I look forward to seeing what more developments are made in the weeks to come.

Well done once again secondary and keep up the excellent work.

Ashley Nicholas
Director of Sport
Year 7A Form Tutor