We have been incredibly proud of the efforts of all the children in EYFS this term and the progress of each child. It was wonderful to share your child’s development and their next steps this week during our Parent and Teacher meetings.

We have now come to the end of our first topic and look forward to becoming storytellers next week before we commence our second topic of the term. Please do read on to see the exciting activities that the children have taken part in this week.


During our topic ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear’, Pre-Nursery have learnt all about colours, animals and each other’s names. In our final week of Brown Bear Brown Bear, we have consolidated our learning by making a class book and played the game ‘guess who bear sees?’ identifying and naming our friends. To extend the children’s learning of ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear’, the children have been using voice recorders to record themselves making animal noises and naming the animals from the story. Along with this Pre-Nursery have been learning to express themselves through music by exploring musical instruments while singing along to ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear’.


This week Nursery revisited a favourite story from the start of term. We have been reading ‘Monkey Puzzle’ and many of the children remembered the key phrases from this and joined in whilst it was being read out loud.

In Maths the children have been looking at some simple shapes and trying to find these in their surrounding environment as well as tracing around different shapes. We took the shapes into our creative learning area, making collage frogs out of circles and triangles. This was an activity enjoyed by everyone.

It has been a very busy week for Nursery of exploring and learning.


We have now come to the end of our ‘Zoom to the Moon’ topic and this week the children were sharing their new knowledge with their friends. They talked about what they now know about planets and even had a go at writing a caption.

In Maths Reception had lots of fun both in class and outside whilst developing their knowledge and understanding of measuring. We measured objects using cubes, ordered items from shortest to longest and used vocabulary relating to length to describe what we found, for example, ‘longer’ and ‘shorter.’

We also read the story of ‘How to Catch a Star,’ and considered how we would catch one of our own. Reception had some very creative ideas including catching stars with the help of a magical unicorn and an enormous trampoline!