Practical hands-on learning empowers students by enhancing their learning, developing their knowledge and skills (including collaboration) and helps students to retain the information for much longer. Further, by applying their learning to real-life activities and seeing their learning come to life inspires the students to be more curious. This week’s activities are just a small snapshot into the inspiring learning taking place at Britannica: Year 1 have created time capsules for other children to find in 100 years and Year 2 have researched how a volcano is formed and created tremendous volcano models using foam clay! Meanwhile, in Key Stage Two; Year 3 made delicious fruity smoothies, Year 4 investigated the digestive system using tights as intestines, plastic bag as the stomach and lemon juice as stomach acid! Whilst Year 5 made paper airplanes to understand air resistance.

Furthermore, today all students across the school have enjoyed dressing in traditional Chinese clothing and immersed themselves in a range of different games, foods and crafts to learn and celebrate Chinese New Year – a real treat!

It has been a wonderful start to the Spring Term and on behalf of all the staff in Primary, I wish you a happy and healthy holidays!

Xin Nian Kuai Le!