This week has been particularly exciting in Early Years as the children took their learning outside of school through engaging trips which allowed them to enhance their learning in real-life settings. Back in school the children have also continued developing on their learning journey.

Pre-Nursery enjoyed listening to the story ‘The Journey Home from Grandpa’s.’ where they named different transport and colours. They have also investigated sinking and floating and have loved seeing what floats at the top and what sinks to the bottom.

We finished the week with our trip to Shanghai Zoo. Pre- Nursery had a great day seeing all the different animals and of course the highlight being our picnic and having ice cream.

This week, Nursery’s holiday adventure topic took us to the African Savanna. We started off by reading ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and discovering all the animals that live there. This also inspired Nursery to paint an African Savanna sunset!

The highlight of the week was of course our trip to the Zoo. Nursery saw many of their favourite animals, including many from our story of ‘Handa’s Surprise’.

Reception had a wonderful day at Pizza Marzano and were all so engaged in pizza making. They loved making their own pizza alongside their friends with many giggles along the way. Today the children celebrated their achievements in class and shared their favourite memories from Reception.