This week Pre-Nursery began their final topic of the year, ‘Transport’. To kick start our topic we have been reading ‘The Big Red Bus’s by Judy Hindley.

Pre-Nursery have named lots of different transport and have used keywords from the book to join in our storytelling such as ‘Help!’ and ‘Stop!’ while matching the colours to the different types of transport that we see.

This week Nursery have been exploring the Seaside and its environment. Nursery were particularly fascinated with Lighthouses and rescue boats and the importance of them. We read two stories this week, ‘What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside’ and ‘The Sandcastle that Lola Built’ Both stories were enjoyed and a lot of new vocabulary was learned from these.

In Maths we have been having a go at number formation. The children have been practicing writing numbers they recognise.

It has been a busy week for Reception as they continue to explore and learn both inside and outside the classroom. They have been immersing themselves in the captivating story of The Twelfth Night, and have been enthusiastically writing messages to Viola's brother, Sebastian. The children have also been exploring the garden, searching for all different kinds of bugs. They are very interested in nature, and it offers wonderful learning opportunities. The children have been revisiting concepts such as ordinal numbers, telling the time using o'clock and solving simple mathematical problems.

We are delighted to have witnessed the Reception children transitioning so well into Year 1 routines. They have been enjoying their time on the bigger playground, playing alongside the older children, and developing their confidence.