We are excited to share the highlights from our Year 1, Year 3, and Year 5 classes' incredible learning journeys this week. Across various subjects, our students have been engaged in diverse and enriching activities. Let's explore the key highlights from each year group.

In Year 1, our young explorers enthusiastically delved into geography, discovering the countries of the United Kingdom and their capital cities. They eagerly explored England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, while also learning about the capitals: London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, and Belfast. In English, they learned about proper nouns, developing their understanding of their use and identification. Additionally, in mathematics, they focused on number lines and estimation, honing their counting, ordering, and approximating skills with numbers up to 20. In science, they embarked on an exciting journey through different animal groups, expanding their knowledge of the natural world.

Year 3 students enjoyed cross-curricular links, particularly in English and geography. They discovered technical language in non-chronological reports, using it to describe countries across Europe. This knowledge was then applied in their investigation of Europe's landscapes and the formation of the continent. In mathematics, they engaged in practical measurement activities, honing their skills in accurately measuring objects using various units such as meters, centimeters, and millimeters.

In Year 5 science, our students used their knowledge of the primary planets in our solar system to plan dream alien vacations. They created captivating flyers to advertise these extraordinary holidays, showcasing their creativity and scientific understanding. Whether it was moon hopping on Neptune, dodging comets on Jupiter, sunbathing on Venus, or witnessing a tropical diamond rain shower on Uranus, their imagination knew no bounds.

We are incredibly proud of our students' enthusiasm, dedication, and growth across these subjects. Their achievements are a testament to their hard work and the support provided by our talented teaching staff.