This week was Maths week at Britannica, where we ran many Mathematics themed events.

On Monday, Year 8 ran their probability fairground stalls, with students from year 5 to year 11 trying to win coupons on their rigged stalls.

A Maths house competition took place in the Secondary Assembly, where all of the students had to attempt to work out many Pi related Dingbats. Vivi of Year 7 also impressed us with her amazing attempt at remembering as many digits of Pi as possible (she went further than our digit list!)

Throughout the week, all of the forms in the school had been designing Maths clocks, where each number was replaced with a representation of that number, we had some very interesting replacements and these clocks will be judged net week.

In form time, the forms were also designing their Pi day T-shirt with the digit of Pi that they had been assigned - this culminated with a giant ‘Pi Snake’ on the field containing all of the students of the school, wearing their personally designed t-shirts, on Pi day itself.

Some of the best Mathematicians in secondary were taken out of class on Thursday to represent their houses in the annual Maths house competition, that consists of 4 rounds. Blue house were the eventual winners, owning a commanding lead.