Reading is not merely a skill; it is a gateway to knowledge, imagination and empathy. At Britannica we firmly believe that fostering a love for reading from an early age is crucial for the holistic development of our young learners. Research shows that children who develop strong reading habits in their early years perform better academically, possess enhanced cognitive abilities and demonstrate better communication skills throughout their lives.

In our Early Years, we work to create a nurturing environment that encourages reading engagement, prioritising storytelling, interactive read-aloud sessions and the introduction of age-appropriate literature. These activities not only develop language skills but also foster a genuine love for books and reading.

In our new topic, 'Once Upon a Story,' the children have been fully engaged within their class texts. This week, Pre-Nursery have been listening to ‘The 3 Little Pigs,’ they enjoyed listening and retelling the story using puppets and props. Nursery have been enthralled by the story of 'The Gingerbread Man,' eagerly participating in the repeated key phrases and sparking lively discussions about which animal could catch him.

Meanwhile, Reception have been honing their sequential language skills through their class text 'Stickman.' They carefully ordered story scenes, retelling the tale in their own words and even suggested dialogue for the characters. This immersive learning experience has not only enriched their language development but also fostered their creativity, critical thinking and imaginative exploration.

We look forward to working together to nurture a lifelong love for reading in our Early Years.