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The Best of British Education at Britannica provides a broad cross-curricular and co-curricular programme emulating the best provision found in the UK independent school sector.
We offer a unique After School Activities (ASAs) programme, which supports and expands the timetabled curriculum. With our own teachers offering specialist activities and a number of carefully chosen partners who offer professional or specialised training sessions, we can provide for most students’ interests and talents.
Britannica is the only international school in Shanghai offering a full week of after school activities to all students in Reception to Year 13.

ASAs have proven popular at Britannica. It is here where the students can experience a range of different learning experiences outside their regular studies. All the ASAs are delivered between 3-4 pm across all school days except for Wednesdays. Our students are given sufficient time to develop skills in their interested areas, along with an excellent opportunity to work collaboratively with others from different year groups.
We offer more than 100 activities a week to children from Reception to Year 13. Activities are offered in music, sports, language, arts and craft, computing, games, competitions across different levels and many others. This extended curriculum provision includes other opportunities for students including Residential Trips, the World Scholars Cup, ASDAN Business Simulation and a range of local trips around Shanghai.
To further promote Global Citizenship and broaden our students’ global mindset, Britannica is providing three residential opportunities this year for our Year 4 to 13 students. The three trips are located and themed differently, which include the skiing trip in China, the sailing and cultural trip in Mallorca, Spain and the cultural trip in Moscow, Russia. The variety makes sure that as many students’ interests are met as possible.

To learn more about how your child can get the most out of the Best of British Education that Britannica promises to deliver, you are welcome to book an exclusive school tour and talk to our admissions and heads of phases.