As the only British owned, British managed and largely British staffed school in Shanghai, Britannica International School, Shanghai provides the ‘Best of British Education’ to international students aged 2-18.

In the meantime, we never forget the value of your child’s cultural diversity. In addition to the core British National Curriculum, we provide an extensive World Languages Programme, offering native language lessons throughout the school for Mandarin, Korean, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese and Hebrew, all of which are delivered by our specialist native-speaking teachers.

We also deliver a comprehensive English as an Additional Language (EAL) programme, delivered by highly qualified and experienced specialist teachers, which fully supports the English language development of our non-native English speaking students. Students will learn to acquire the skills needed to become bilingually confident and multiculturally aware.

Parents who wish to enrol their child in an international school, where the value of your child’s cultural diversity is also upheld and highly regarded, are welcome to attend Britannica's next Open Day on the 5th and 8th of January. The two Open Days are particularly designed for our prospective Chinese families and Japanese families.

Reasons to Join

Take a Bespoke Tour

  • Explore our centrally located campus and well-maintained facilities
  • Observe ongoing classes and communicate with fully qualified teachers

Meet Our Principal & Senior Leaders

  • Receive a presentation from our Senior Leadership Team
  • Have an individual communication with our Principal or a relevant Head of Phase

Potential to Receive an Offer on the Day

  • Have an interview with the Principal or a Head of Phase
  • Take Britannica's entrance exams on the day
  • Qualified candidates receive an offer on the day

Meet Our Japanese / Mandarin Teacher

Talk to our Japanese / Mandarin teachers regarding how well our unique Native Language Programme supports the Best of British Education that Britannica has to offer.

Event Details


  • Japanese Open Day: 9-10:30 am, Tuesday, 5th January
  • Chinese Open Day: 9-10:30 am, Friday, 8th January


Britannica's Gubei Campus at 1988, Gubei Road, Shanghai