Sign up now for our last open day for August 2019 Entry on May 20th, which is for Early Years and Primary (age 2-11) at Britannica International School, Shanghai. If you have any friends who might be interested in our EYFS or Primary, please feel free to spread the word and bring them along.
Reasons to join
- Learn about how your child can get the most out of what Britannica has to offer at our last Open Day for August 2019 Entry.
- Receive a presentation (in English and Chinese) and learn first-hand about our school.
- Meet our Principal and Senior Leadership Team.
- Take a tour of our Gubei campus.
- Student places are limited and attendance at our Open Days will guarantee a place for all eligible children.
- Learn about how to secure your child a place for an exclusive FREE Taster Day.
- The last opportunity to enjoy the Early Bird Discount for a start for the Academic Year 2019-2020.
Time & Location
8:45-10:00 am on Monday, May 20th
@ 1988 Gubei Road, Shanghai (address for taxi: 上海市闵行区古北路1988号,近吴中路)
During this time, parents can explore our state-of-the-art facilities, experience the best of British education in Shanghai, and guarantee a place for their child.
Whilst at our centrally located, purpose-built campus, families will meet school Principal Mr. Goodwin, an experienced educational leader with a passion for China, and discover more about a British curriculum that ensures the best for your child.
To reserve your place, click here or scan the QR Code in the picture below to register.