Maths Pi Day video

Artworks from different Year Groups

From Amiel Schreier, Secondary student in Year 8

From Year 3 - Monet 3D project

Year 1 E-Learning

English E-Learning:

The children were preparing to write their own traditional rhyme (根据他们选择的动物作诗) and needed to choose an animal to base their rhyme on and carry out some research on their chosen animal.

Fraction art:

Year 1 used halves and quarters to create their own fraction artworks.

2A's Zoom Call

Year 3 E-Learning

Jacob Charlton in 3C worked with his family on his Toontastic animation for Computer Science e-learning.

In Year 3, we have been using a story mountain to plan our own Stone Age stories. Here we were focusing on using adverbials to write the resolution and ending of our stories. Year 3 had to use their plans to write a cohesive adventure story that had suspense and tension when encountering mammoths and weapons!