It has been a week of engaging learning and challenges for our Primary pupils, whether they be at school or at home.

This week in English our Year 1 children have been learning about letter writing for the very first time; they read the story ‘Dear Greenpeace’ by Simon James altogether and the children recorded and uploaded themselves reading the different letters from Emily. The children also had to research fact files about different endangered animals before planning and writing their own letters to Greenpeace.

Year 2 have continued their journey down into the depths of the ocean as they explore which animals live in the midnight, abyss and trench levels. In English, the children have been focusing on how different shots can be used to good effect when writing a graphic novel and Maths has all been about consolidating their knowledge and applying this to solve word problems.

The Year 3 children have been concentrating on making sense of words, finding meaning and definitions, whilst in Maths the main focus has been problem-solving as well as gaining an understanding of perimeters. Furthermore, in Science, they have enjoyed learning about the sun; discussing its harmful effects and uses!

Year 4 have had a ‘buzzing’ time exploring how electrical circuits work and have learnt to identify the scientific symbols for the different components in a circuit, as well as identifying different types of electrical appliances and the types of electricity they use!

Year 5 are getting well under-way with finding out about Vikings – learning about longboats and different kingdoms and settlements! They have also been studying the artwork of Paul Signac, a French painter noted for his pioneering of Neo-Impressionism, and trying to reproduce his artwork using the pointillism technique.

Year 6 have been studying variation and inheritance in Science as well as investigating and solving multiplication multi-step problems. In English, the children are continuing to study ‘The Call of the Wild’ in-depth and compare the characters as well as re-tell certain parts of the story to a younger audience.

We are all very much looking forward to welcoming our younger pupils back to school on Tuesday and I know they are excited to return too. See you on Tuesday Years 1, 2 and 3!

Miss Mustoe
Vice-Principal Designate