This week in Early Years the children have been truly enjoying the changes that come with Autumn. They have been happily exploring the colourful leaves, watching them fall, and discovering the different textures and shapes that this beautiful season brings. Through immersive sensory experiences they are developing their understanding of the world. Next week we will join in with ‘World Nursery Rhyme Week,’ which will provide a wonderful opportunity for the children to develop their literacy skills and foster a love of storytelling through the enchanting world of rhymes.

In class this week Pre-Nursery have been singing the rhyme ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider.’ They enjoyed a spider hunt around the school and jumping in puddles and made spider’s web using glue and glitter before building a home for a spider using loose parts.

Nursery have continued with the idea of making spells this week based on the story ‘Room on a Broom’ and have come up with some wonderful imaginative ideas of what they would put into a cauldron and what the magic ingredients would produce! It has been a great learning experience that has added to the children’s vocabulary.

Magic spell making has also been implemented into Nursery’s Maths learning, by talking and exploring about capacity language.

In Reception children have focused on the letters 'g' and 'c' and practiced blending sounds together and also revisited the tricky word 'I.'

One of the highlights was reading the heartwarming story of "Pumpkin Soup," which taught us the importance of sharing the workload and letting others have a turn.