The geography classroom has been a hive of activity so far this year, with a vast array of different topics and skills being learned in classes, and challenges being accomplished in the Geography Club ASA.

A key theme for this term’s learning in Key Stage 3 has been empathy. Year 7 have explored global issues and have explored empathy through comparing their own lives with those of others at different income levels through visiting Dollar Street. Year 8 have explored issues beneath the surface and have done some amazing display pieces all about human exploitation of the oceans. Year 9 have explored empathy through their tectonic hazards topic and now through our ‘Factfulness’ unit which will challenge their perceptions of the state of the world, and allow them to question why we have a pessimistic world view on some key issues.

Our Key Stage 4 geographers have shown a consistent focused attitude towards the subject this year. So far they have covered the IGCSE topics on population and migration, as well as earthquakes and volcanoes. Both topics have tested their ability to reshape their understanding of global processes, and develop their extended writing skills for exam application.

Finally, the Geography Club ASA group have been regularly competing against one another in geographic quizzes using platforms such as Geoguessr, Globle and Seterra. We have also explored other key geographic issues such as a research and documentary series follow David Attenborough’s latest Planet Earth 3 series.