We are delighted to inform you that our Primary students have settled in remarkably well during their first week of school. They have embraced the routines and procedures, demonstrating commendable discipline and enthusiasm in their approach towards learning.

The Year 1 students have learned all about the systems and rules of the school through the story “We don’t eat our classmates” and began our Maths unit by sorting lots of different items in the classroom. In topic, we discussed where we are in the world and had an opportunity to look at different types of maps.

The Year 2 students have been enjoying a wide variety of exciting and enriching activities throughout the week to get to know each other and their teachers, they have learnt all about our Britannica Values and have been demonstrating them with confidence, the students have been consolidating their Phonics and Maths skills and in addition, have experienced their wonderful specialist lessons in Music, PE, Art and Mandarin.

In Year 3 Maths, students used concrete materials to represent numbers and built on their understanding of digit values within numbers - ones, tens and hundreds columns. English this week gave the students a chance to create descriptive noun phrases after they excitedly watched a very fun short animation.

The Year 4 students have settled in seamlessly and have enjoyed completing our ‘Get to know you’ activities as well as exploring online platforms they will need to enrich their learning this year. We look forward to next week when we can begin our exciting subject units about the Ancient Greeks and Dragons!

Our Year 5 English work this week has seen us create a list recount about our holidays, using a range of interesting adjectives to interest the reader. We have also prepared some writing for display, writing all about ourselves. This has been a valuable task as we have been able to get to know one another a lot more.