Last week we were delighted to achieve our reaccreditation of the Primary Geography Quality Mark from the Geographical Association in England. The Geography Quality Mark is a prestigious award that recognises and promotes quality and progress in geography leadership, curriculum development and teaching and learning in schools. It is a process of deep self-evaluation and reflection which supports schools to develop a curriculum with high quality intent, implementation and impact. As the only school in China to have this accreditation, we demonstrate our enriching and engaging geography curriculum. It underscores our firm commitment to fostering global awareness amongst our students and demonstrates our pursuit of academic excellence.

Our latest achievement highlights that geography is not a standalone subject, but rather a lens through which students can understand the broader world. Geography imparts essential skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving and spatial awareness, all of which are necessary in our ever changing world. Geography also invites students to analyse intricate global issues, such as climate change, sustainability and urbanisation, preparing learners to actively engage with the world around them.

At Britannica, we take immense pride in this recognition as it displays our unwavering dedication to creating a stimulating and nurturing learning environment, where each student is encouraged and supported in reaching their full potential. By weaving geography into the fabric of our Early Years and Primary curriculum, we are committed to broadening our students' horizons and instilling a lifelong love of learning about the world in them.

Mr Ronan Jones, our Secondary Geography Teacher and Head of Sixth Form was equally thrilled with the news of our accreditation, ‘It is wonderful to see that the Primary Phase at Britannica has achieved the Primary Geography Quality Mark accreditation. Geography is a fantastic subject which has the ability to empower young learners to not only learn about the world around them, but to become active agents and stewards of the human and physical environment. It is vital that geographic knowledge, skills and passions are embedded into school curriculum from an early age so that children can begin to understand the world they live in and the part they can play in shaping the future, and build on these throughout their learning journey in school.’

Achieving the Primary Geography Quality Mark is a testament to our commitment to the continuous development of our educators. By providing targeted professional development opportunities, we equip our teachers with the latest pedagogical approaches and strategies, ensuring the delivery of an engaging geography curriculum within the Primary Phase and high-quality provocations and learning opportunities in our Early Years. The award showcases our commitment to nurturing informed and compassionate global citizens who possess a deep understanding of diverse cultures, environments, and global challenges. We are extremely proud of this achievement and will continue to prioritise the cultivation of essential cognitive abilities and the promotion of an interconnected approach to knowledge acquisition within our curriculum.