It has been a wonderfully busy week in our Early Years where the children have continued to develop their critical thinking and curiosity through the curriculum. Please enjoy our EYFS article and photographs from the week.

Pre-Nursery have enjoyed making animal prints with paint. They used voice recorders to record animals sounds and played in our small world full of feathers, cotton balls and animals from Brown Bear Brown Bear.

In Nursery the children have been exploring opposite concepts. They have talked about ‘Big’ and ‘Small’, ‘Tall and Short’ and ‘Day and Night’ They have enjoyed discussing the differences between these and learning the associated language.

Our rhyme this week has been ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’ and the children have been observing the numbers found on clocks.

In Reception this week the children have been developing their storytelling skills through our class story ‘Owl Babies.’ The children created actions to support them in retelling the story and considered how the owls felt. The children have also been practicing the letter sounds ‘t’ and ‘p,’ and have been using these to blend CVC words.