KS1 is a crucial stage where students are introduced to various subjects and foundational skills. The national curriculum sets out the standards and expectations for what children should learn during these years, ensuring a broad and balanced education. Today, we will delve into the exciting activities and learning experiences of Year 1 and Year 2 students in different subjects.

Year 1 Highlights

In Year 1 English lessons, the focus was on the art of writing letters. Students learned about the structure and purpose of letters, and they enthusiastically applied their knowledge by writing their own letters. This activity allowed them to express their thoughts and emotions to a chosen recipient, fostering their communication skills and highlighting the power of written words.

Our Year 1 mathematicians explored the concepts of length and height. Through hands-on activities, they engaged in measuring various objects using non-standard units. By comparing and ordering objects based on their length and height, students developed a solid understanding of these fundamental mathematical principles.

History came alive for Year 1 students as they embarked on a captivating journey into the life of Ibn Battuta, a renowned Muslim explorer. They learned about his remarkable adventures and gained insights into his travels and interactions with diverse cultures. Through engaging discussions and visual aids, children developed an appreciation for the interconnectedness of our world and the significance of Ibn Battuta's explorations in history.

In Science, Year 1 students explored the wonder of plants and their components. They learned about the different parts of a plant, including roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Through hands-on activities and examination of real plant specimens, students identified and discussed the functions of each part. This exploration cultivated a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world.

Year 2 Highlights

In Year 2 English lessons, students continued their learning journey with Monster Poems. Building upon their understanding of questions and statements, they created their own short poems by imagining their teachers as monsters. They incorporated rhyming words to make their poems stand out. Additionally, students focused on reading comprehension strategies, equipping them with the tools to tackle challenging texts effectively. They also explored exclamations, using key words to construct sentences that express strong emotions.

Our Year 2 mathematicians delved into the concept of fractions. Their learning centred around finding halves, recognising quarters, and identifying thirds. Concrete materials and pictorial representations played a crucial role in helping students grasp these abstract concepts. They discovered that fractions are present in various real-life situations, reinforcing the relevance and practicality of their mathematical knowledge.

In Science, Year 2 students explored the concept of comparing suitability. They learned about properties and discussed why different materials can be used to make the same object. Through examples like spoons and rulers, students discerned which properties make certain materials suitable or unsuitable for specific purposes. This exploration encouraged critical thinking and an understanding of materials' diverse characteristics.

Year 2 students delved into history by learning about and comparing the lives of two remarkable monarchs, Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria. They explored the similarities and differences between these influential figures, analysing their respective roles and contributions. By engaging in discussions and evaluating relevant information, students gained a deeper understanding of the historical context and the impact of these monarchs.

Overall, both Year 1 and Year 2 students had enriching and engaging weeks across various subjects. Their enthusiasm, creativity, and eagerness to learn were evident in every classroom activity. These experiences not only fostered academic growth but also nurtured a love for knowledge and a thirst for exploration. As educators, we are delighted to witness their progress and look forward to another exciting week of discovery and learning ahead.