We are thrilled to share the latest highlights from our Primary school. From engaging field trips to captivating writing projects, our students have been immersed in a wide range of educational experiences. Let's delve into the exciting adventures that took place across different year groups.

Year 1 students embarked on an educational visit to the nearby Caohejiang fire station, where they delved into fire safety and emergency preparedness. Through captivating presentations by experienced firefighters, our young explorers learned about the importance of smoke alarms, evacuation plans, and staying calm during a fire. Hands-on activities, including exploring a fire engine and firefighting gear, added to their understanding of the vital role firefighters play in our community. This engaging trip fostered teamwork, courage, and curiosity, leaving a lasting impression on our students.

In Year 2 English, students embarked on an action-packed week, exploring the world of non-fiction texts. They created their own sea animal fact pages, incorporating important features of non-chronological reports, such as titles, subtitles, introductions, captions, and images. Additionally, they practiced using contractions and words with apostrophes, strengthening their grammar skills. In mathematics, they delved into measurements, comparing heights and lengths using centimeters and meters. Science lessons focused on investigating tornadoes and tsunamis, deepening their understanding of Extreme Earth phenomena through simulators and models.

Year 3 English, our talented young writers have been fully immersed in the captivating story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They began this week by closely examining the diary features present in Jack's Diary. To deepen their connection with the story, the students participated in engaging hot seating sessions, stepping into the shoes of Jack himself. This allowed them to delve into his thoughts and feelings throughout the narrative, gaining valuable insights into his perspective. Our students then took part in shared-writing sessions, working collaboratively to craft a diary entry from Jack's point of view.

Year 3 students had a memorable visit to the Team Lab Museum, where they explored the fascinating concepts of light and reflection. This interactive trip provided them with a captivating environment to reinforce their learning from science lessons, enhancing their understanding of these scientific phenomena.

Year 4 students continued their studies on persuasive writing by planning a letter addressed to our Head of Primary, Mr. Benson. They aimed to convince him to send potential new students to join their class, applying persuasive writing tools and correct letter structure. Writing with purpose has motivated the students to express themselves with enthusiasm and passion.

In addition, Year 4 students learned about the importance of fair trade for farmers and explored the roles of different types of teeth. They also engaged in collaborative programming activities, using block coding in Computing lessons to program Microsoft bots to move in various ways. These activities fostered critical thinking, teamwork, and digital literacy skills.

Year 5 students embraced report writing by drafting detailed online reports about the three little pigs. With a modern twist, they argued the case that the three little pigs were more calculating characters, while challenging the traditional perception of the "Big Bad Wolf." Their comprehensive and skillful arguments showcased their budding reporting abilities.

We are incredibly proud of our students' engagement, enthusiasm, and growth across these diverse learning experiences.