Sign up now for an exclusive open morning on 22nd (Early Years: for 2-5 yrs) or 23rd (Primary: for 5-11 yrs) of October at Britannica International School, Shanghai.
Both events will begin at 9:30 am and, in just two hours, parents can guarantee a place for their child, explore our state-of-the-art facilities and experience the best of British education in Shanghai.
To reserve your place, click here or scan the QR code in the flyer below.

Whilst at our centrally located, purpose-built campus, families will meet school Principal Mr Goodwin, an experienced educational leader with a passion for China, and discover more about a British curriculum that ensures the best for your child.
Britannica meets the needs of pupils both aged 2 to 5 and 5-11. We have the highest quality programmes, fully-trained teachers from the UK, all of whom are specially selected for their experience and excellence.
We look forward to seeing you at our open day and helping you discover the best of British education.