Welcome back after the holiday break, we hope you all had a lovely week with family and friends during the annual ‘Golden Week’ holiday. All EYFS students have all come back enthused to begin their new topics after the ‘Golden Week’ holiday.

The question on Receptions mind this week has been ‘Are you hungry?’ as they begin looking at the topic ‘Food’. In Literacy, the ‘Little Red Hen’ has had the students discussing how to cook and using key action words to describe how to make a recipe. In Mathematics they have collected data on favourite foods to learn about pictograms, bar charts and tallying.

Nursery this half-term will be focusing on ‘People who help us.’ where they will gain knowledge on key job roles in society. There has been excitement from the students as they have begun to look at community helpers we have such as doctors, firemen and policemen; particularly as they have been role-playing putting out fires as firemen in our outdoor learning area.

'Me. Me, Me' is what Pre Nursery are thinking about this half-term. Now our youngest members of the phase are settled they are going to be learning all about themselves. They started the topic this week by exploring body actions through various mediums and looking after babies in our baby clinic.

Next week, Reception will have their first school trip of the year on Wednesday, 16th October to Pizza Express. I know they are all looking forward to learning more about food through this trip and highlights from it will be featured in next week’s newsletter.

Isla Gillespie
Head of Early Years