More trips and inquiries have been taking place across Primary this week; visiting Sproutworks, blowing up balloons and interviewing some school leaders. Read on to find out more about what has been happening in Primary this week.

This week, Year 1 have continued to immerse themselves in the story of ‘Knuffle Bunny’ through drama, freeze-framing, talk for writing and an introduction to adjectives and nouns. The children are also currently working on a spectacular Pop Art project and we are looking forward to seeing the finished product.

Year 2 are continuing to write their own stories based around ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ in English and in Topic have been learning about the life of Mary Seacole, a nurse who through adversity used herbal medicines to help people during the Crimean War. Maths has been all practical this week, as the children have looked at doubling. They have loved using the doubling machines and mirror doubling to help them count and check if their answers were correct.

On Wednesday, some of the Year 3 children visited Sproutworks, with the remaining groups set to visit next week. The children had a lot of fun, learning about different foods and creating various types of meals and drinks. Those children in Internationalism also got to taste some delicious treats with Ms Whiter and Ms Quinn as they explored food from different areas in China.

Year 4 have developed their questioning skills as they asked our Head Boy, Head Girl and Vice Principal Mr Farrell, some questions about leadership. It was a great and inspiring opportunity for the children to learn from real leaders in our school whilst also developing their note-taking skills.

Year 5 have been studying newspapers and have created captions and headlines using puns and alliteration, before moving on to planning the layout and structure of their news reports. In Science, the children have conducted a range of investigations to discover more about irreversible changes, from frying an egg to blowing up a balloon by creating carbon dioxide using vinegar and bicarbonate soda.

Year 6 are currently working on making a quiz on literary genres in PowerPoint. They have chosen four characters from four different genres and amalgamated their faces together. They will then be writing a short text on each literary genre and using that as the base for their quiz. They will make their quiz using the action buttons function available in PowerPoint. This gives them a good working understanding of non-linear hyperlinking, which is necessary for them to know before they begin to study web authoring.

Ms Mustoe
Head of Primary