It was great to welcome back all of our Secondary students this week with many refreshed and relaxed students raring to go for the next half term.

On Monday our Year 9 to 13 students were treated to a presentation and business simulation from ASDAN. Mr O’Brien will be entering a team of students to compete in a business competition organised by ASDAN and will write to relevant parents about this soon.

There have been some exciting developments for the World Scholars Cup students with confirmation that WSC will once again hold their Shanghai round here at Britannica International. This event will most likely take place mid-January, and Mr Skillings will write to relevant parents when the date has been finalised.

I will be presenting to Year 6 students and parents next Wednesday, 20th November from 14:00-15:00 about the transition from Primary to Secondary, I look forward to seeing as many parents there as possible.

We have received our first university offer of the academic year with Wei Lin, Year 13, being offered a place to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bristol. It is fantastic to see our students hard work and academic achievements being recognised by prestigious UK universities and I look forward to updating you as more offers flow in throughout the year.

Paul Farrell
Vice Principal and Head of Secondary