Britannica International School, Shanghai students achieve outstanding IGCSE and A Level examination results.
We would like to congratulate our senior students on their recent achievements in external examinations. An initial analysis shows our students performed exceptionally well and, in all cases, achieved results significantly higher that the UK national average. In several areas Britannica students achieved results which are on par with leading native speaking private schools in the UK.
- 100% Pass Rate
- 62% A*/A Grades
- 100% A*/C Grades
- 100% achieving at least 5 A*-C grades including Mathematics and English
Not only were these results historic for the school, but show measurable improvement year on year.

A Level
- 100% Pass Rate
- 89% A*/C Grades
- 56% A*/A Grades

Setting the Tone for Academic Excellence
Britannica International School, Shanghai would like to extend our warm congratulations to Year 13 Student Weilin who achieved a phenomenal set of results:

Having joined Britannica little over two years ago, with no prior exposure to the English Language, Weilin graduates and will attend the University of Bristol to read Mechanical Engineering.
A special mention must also be given to two of our Year 11 students, Kia Heng and Aliya. Both students managed to achieve 100% A*/A grades in every IGCSE subject they studied. This is a wonderful achievement, and one which will serve them well as they progress to Sixth Form at Britannica.