Artworks from different Year Groups
- Year 12
- Year 10
- Year 9
- Year 5
- Year 3
Year 9 English E-Learning
In EAL, Julia Kwon of Year 9, has created a newspaper related to the novel Animal Farm . She had been working on the newspaper for the past two weeks.
Year 4 E-Learning
This week in Year 4 we began our new topic ‘ENERGY’. The children have been busy mind-mapping their existing understanding of energy and developing questions they would like to investigate. We then explored our homes, beginning to think about where we see energy in our every-day lives.
Year 3 E-Learning
Following a story the teacher read to Year 3 this was one child's response - they are singing along to the task.
Year 2 E-Learning
- Poem

Workfrom Keira in 2D, having a good go at a very difficult sea-themed rhyming couplet poem.
- Music
In Music, Jane and Jayden performed ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ on their piano at home - from 2B
- Art
In Art, the children have been using letters and numbers to draw a sea creature - from 2B
- PE
The children have had great fun completing the PE Challenges this week - from 2B
- 2B's Zoom Call
- The topic on Food Chains
In Year 2 the children have been learning about food chains. The children had to make their own arty food chain.