Britannica International School, Shanghai is now open to certain year groups. As part of our commitment to providing the best of British education, we are now providing a blended programme of in-school teaching and online learning. Students in specific year groups have returned to school and enjoyed class teaching, while students awaiting confirmation of a return date have continued their studies through state-of-the-art e-learning.
Continue reading to discover more about the interactive activities and technology-based learning that has been taking place this week at Britannica International School, Shanghai.
Student Artwork
- Year 12
- Year 10
- Year 6
- Year 5
- Year 3
Music E-Learning
Students in Year 1 have been playing different percussion rhythms to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, while those in Year 2 played the song on the piano. The recordings of each year group have been put together to make an amazing song and music video. We hope you enjoy it!
Year 5 E-Learning: Annotation
Year 4 E-Learning
This term, Year 4’s topic is Energy. Linking our English we have been exploring the visual text Wall-E, set in the future where humans have destroyed the planet and live on the Axoim ship. To develop our speaking and listening skills we composed and improvised dialogue by creating interview questions to ask Captain B Mccrea of the Axoim.
Take a look at our videos role-playing the captain (an interviewer) where we had lots of fun adapting our voices to portray the character.
Year 3
In Year 3, we have been looking at how authors use the power of 3 in their fairytale stories either by using three characters such as Goldilocks and the three bears or by having three tests and trials to complete, as in the story of Rumpelstiltskin. Students then tried writing their own stories. After some feedback and next steps from her teacher, this was Kaitlin’s second draft.
Jaeah, in the video, is using fantastic expression, tone and volume to help tell his story.
Our next lesson was to read our stories aloud with expression, tone and volume.
Year 2
- Internationalism

The students in Year 2 have been describing a sea creature with technical vocabulary and then using these keywords to write a paragraph.
Year 1 E-Learning
- Stop Motion Animation Story
- 3D Shape