Ms Isla has created a video showing our EYFS students how to make their own rainbow bread at home. Please click here to view the video and start to make your own!
- Primary Art
- Year 1 English Practice

- Work-out at Home

- Year 2 Weather Reports
Year two have been busy this week writing their own weather reports (制作自己的天气报告) using our seesaw platform. The students have used present and past tense phrases to create reports about where they are in the World (报告他们目前所在地的天气). Below are some brilliant examples of the engaging and interactive learning taking place in Primary.
- More from Year 2
In maths, Year 2 have been analysing tally charts and creating bar charts to answer questions about the data (创建柱形图回答数据相关问题). They have also been learning about 2D and 3D shapes (2D和3D形状).
In Topic, we are learning about 'wild weather' (探索关于恶劣天气的话题), and have been using Venn diagrams to organise the differences and similarities between snowstorms and blizzards.
We have also attached above the QR codes that will give you an access to some nice examples of phonics learning from our EAL students (英语提升课程学生们的自然拼读学习成果).