Dear Parents,
Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves often arise when life seems most challenging. Rather than teaching our children to fear life’s challenges, what a better message this is to share with them.
Our teachers have fully embraced this notion as they have developed their own E-Teaching skills this week, to enable our children to become more competent E-learners. While we would never argue that E-learning replaces face to face teaching, it is a skill that all our students have to learn in the 21st Century. This is an opportunity that none of us should miss.
EYFS students have been engaging with their learning from all around the world through Tapestry online tool(线上教学系统). It has been fantastic to see students participating in exciting video tutorials, video PowerPoints and many more activities set by all teachers.
Our daily phonics(自然拼读) lessons have continued in Reception ensuring the students are developing their reading, writing and oral skills in English, while consolidating their previous knowledge. In topic related activities Reception have been answering a research question posed about fossils and looking at creating their own dinosaur(研究化石和自我制作恐龙模型).
In Nursery the children have used story PowerPoints to look at thetraditional tale of ‘The Ugly Duckling’(丑小鸭的故事) talking about how the duck changes, sequencing the story and thinking about how stories are constructed. I do know that someone went on a hunt for a duck in their local area!
Down on the farm in Pre-Nursery there has been lots of interactive E-Learning fun following videos of counting eggs with Miss Gillespie and even following Miss Amy’s video instructions with actions on how to make scrambled eggs.(制作炒鸡蛋)
Not only have we had our EYFS topics to concentrate on this week, our fabulous PE department have set the ‘stay fit’ challenge.(保持健康的活动) Through the 60 minute a day challenge (important recommended active time) EYFS students have been strengthening their body through action movements, just dancing, creating body shapes and stretching using our yoga videos.
Do take a look at some photos of our E-Learning fun below.
Miss Isla Gillespie
Head of Early Years

This week children and teachers across Primary have been busy using Seesaw as their E-learning platform, ensuring that high-quality teaching and learning continues.
Please see below for a little more insight into what has been happening in each virtual classroom:
Year 1 children have been busy measuring the weights of different objects (测量不同物体的重量) around their homes, as well as making their own sensational salads and building a setting for the 3 bears.
In Year 2 children have continued to learn about the weather(学习天候状况); understanding what a weather forecast is and sorting weather sentences into correct tenses. They have also been solving money word problems as part of their Maths learning.
Year 3 have been learning more about the Stone Age, in particularcreating their own cave drawings and ordering events in chronological order(创作自己的雕刻画并按照时间顺序排列). The children have also been further developing their times table knowledge, telling the time and describing angles in terms of direction.
Year 4 have been learning about area and perimeter using interactive tools as well as Lego blocks(乐高积木). They have also been discovering new information about the Ancient Greeks, including drawing their own vases.
Year 5 have been very busy planning and writing their own diary entries from the perspective of Tim Peake as he boards the International Space Station. They have also developed their knowledge of adding and subtracting decimals.
Year 6 have been hard at work answering a range of very challenging fraction problems and classifying animals based on its characteristics. They have also answered comprehension questions and begun writing short blog posts about their holiday, making sure that they use informal language features.
Ms Mustoe
Head of Primary

I am delighted with how our secondary students and staff have responded to our first week of E-learning.
Our A Level scientists have been studying the heart, circulatory system and the Bohr Effect(研究心血管系统和玻尔效应) using a combination of examination questions, research tasks and screencast videos from Mrs Van Balveren. Our KS3 scientists have been invited to a live video conference lesson with Mr Linsell to learn about heat and thermal energy.
In Mathematics all students have been given access to personalised screencasts from Mr Rosenberg and Mr Clifton. The aim of these screencasts has been to teach new curriculum content prior to students attempting questions to which they receive individual feedback.
In ICT and Computer Science Mr Bell has uploaded a web quest which challenges students to combine their competencies in ICT with their subject knowledge of History(把计算机技能和历史知识嫁接起来). This activity is a wonderful example of cross-curricular collaboration and I would like to thank all students who have been participating in this so far.
The entire Secondary staff remain committed to providing engaging and meaningful E-learning to all our Secondary students and providing them with the excellent learning opportunities that will arise from this.
Paul Farrell
Head of Secondary and Vice Principal

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