This morning we watched 4C’s assembly about courage and the way that the children performed with such confidence and enthusiasm was fantastic. I am sure everyone who attended the assembly will agree with me that they are now inspired to take courage and try something that they have been worried or scared about. They also reminded us of the important message to stand up and say something if we know something is not right and to try new things. I wonder what will you take courage to do this weekend?

This week has been another busy one at Britannica…

Year 1 pupils have been learning the comparisons of different numbers and nuances of number fact families. Whilst in Topic they have been comparing the materials of old Victorian toys to our new toys today.

Year 2 have used base 10 and number lines to support them in adding two 2-digit numbers. They are also enjoying the ‘Barvember’ White Rose daily challenges, using simple bar models to solve increasingly challenging problems. Year 2 have also used their Geography knowledge of hot and cold climates to strengthen their understanding in science, whereby they researched habitats and discovered how they are suited to specific groups of animals.

Year 3 have been concluding their adding and subtracting unit by working with written methods that involve 3-digit numbers and exchanges. They have also been deepening their understanding of these concepts by applying what they know to real life situations. In Science, the children have been learning facts about soil before their experiment next week

Year 4 pupils have begun converting metric units of measurement and calculating the perimeter of rectilinear shapes in Mathematics. While in Science they have continued to investigate sound, how it travels and what affects the pitch using string telephones.

Year 5 mathematicians have been busy understanding about factors, multiples, prime numbers and fractions of number. In Science they made their own plastic, concluding their current topic about properties of materials.

And lastly Year 6 have been working extremely hard within their swimming lessons. Pupils have worked on developing their knowledge and understanding of pool safety as well as developed their key skills and techniques of the different strokes further within the pool. Furthermore, students have also worked on improving their overall physical fitness within the pool by swimming continuously over 50m of the pool using the different strokes.