The dedication and enthusiasm of the EYFS children is impressive while on their journey of learning outside the classroom. Their hard work is second to none, it’s always wonderful to see their daily achievements on tapestry.

This week we introduced our EYFS Weekly Challenge. We hope that the children enjoy these and we are looking forward to seeing their weekly efforts.

This week Pre-Nursery joined Spot the Dog to continue their exploration of farm animals and their sounds. Using the book ‘Spot goes to the Farm’ by Eric Hill we saw which animals were hiding from Spot. As Spot the Dog was our helper this week, in mathematics, we focused on simple pattern. We looked at different animals that have spots and stripes and made our own spotty and stripy dogs. To learn more about what happens on the farm, Pre-Nursery also learnt about the simple jobs a farm does, such as collecting eggs and feeding the animals.

This week in Nursery we continued with our Minibeasts learning and some amazing hand shaped butterfly crafts were created. After reding the story ‘Superworm’ Nursery learnt another new  poem about a worm who lives at the bottom of a garden. The children worked very hard remembering the words. A great week of learning for Nursery this week.

This week the children enjoyed the Topic information, learning and talking about different animals that live in our oceans. We read the story ‘Mr. Seahorse’ and discovered that different male fish take care of the eggs. The children enjoyed learning and discovering new facts about seahorses, octopuses, sharks and jellyfish. We tested our knowledge on sea creatures in our Friday quiz.

In Phonics this week we focused on a new diagraph ‘qu’. The children learned to write it and practiced reading words and sentences with it. In comprehension we looked at the story or ‘Mister Seahorse’ by Eric Carle. The children displayed their understanding of the story by answering questions and True or False statements. They were also encouraged to use different words to describe the seahorse.

In Maths this week we have looked at ordinal numbers through playing various games. The children understood this very well and participated with enthusiasm. We have also revised time on an analogue clock, specifically the O’clock and half past times.

We wanted to thank you for your continuous support throughout this challenging time. Your efforts do not go unnoticed, and we thank you for making the online learning experience run smoothly for the children.

I have the pleasure of teaching students across Primary in Internationalism lessons and we have recently started our new topics of learning. Year 1 are learning about sharing and this will also include understanding of fairness and co-operation, Year 2 about friendship, conflict and resolution. Whilst Year 3 are exploring tolerance and acceptance, Year 4 about peace and charity and Year 5 about sustainable development. Regardless of the age, students have shown their commitment to listening to other’s views and ideas as well as demonstrating respect and kindness to each other. I look forward to exploring these themes with the students over the term and see them transferring and applying their knowledge to real life situations and events. Afterall these concepts are important now and in the future.

This week in Art, we started with the basics of design using a simple lesson to see how they develop and use problem solving to create an animal that is adapted to its environment. They had to make use of their understanding of different habitats and animals who are adapted to survive to design new animals. This is also to allow them some creative freedom and abstract thinking. All adaptations to their animals must be backed up with scientific fact.

The students will continue this lesson next week by playing a game to practice their speaking and debating skills. Students will present their creatures from the previous lesson in a group and after introductions need to debate why their animal would be the ultimate winner in a battle against other group members animals.