After focusing on our values and settling into this academic year, it was with excitement (and some nervousness) that our first class assemblies took place this week. 2A shared with us their learning from their English lessons, demonstrating great confidence in their English speaking and acting ability as they performed some classic fables. The rest of Key Stage One enjoyed guessing the moral, or meaning, of the fable and some brilliant ideas were shared. Meanwhile, in today’s assembly 5C showed Key Stage Two how important it is to be unique, sharing some inspirational quotes and even celebrated some different ways some of the students are unique including an unusual talent of eating an imaginary chicken!

Also, this week Form teachers met with parents to discuss each child’s progress since the start of term, their achievements, and their next steps in the learning. It is extremely important that we provide these opportunities for parents and teachers to meet to discuss how your child is working and areas to further develop, although if you do have any questions or concerns at any point in the year please do reach out to your child’s Form teacher.