Recently Britannica celebrated Earth Day. This is an international event that aims to educate people about environmental issues and to organise initiatives that help the environment. Since the first Earth Day in 1970, over one billion people from around the world have been involved!

The focus for Britannica’s Earth Day was fast fashion. Fast fashion is clothing that is quickly produced to meet new trends but is usually thrown away soon afterwards. This creates huge amounts of waste and pollution. To raise awareness of this problem, Britannica had a special non-uniform day. On this day, students were encouraged to wear old, borrowed or secondhand clothing. Students also donated money on this day, which will be donated to the Earth Day charity. We hope this has persuaded our students to be more mindful of their fashion choices!

Elsewhere in Humanities, we have entered exam season. GCSE and A-Level students are studying hard to prepare for their exams. We are confident that, with proper revision and rigorous practice, the students will achieve strong results.