This week, Year 6 and 7 students embarked on an unforgettable residential trip to Haiwan Park in Shanghai. This trip was not only a break from the classroom, but a comprehensive program designed to foster teamwork and perseverance among our students. Over the course of the trip, students participated in various activities that challenged them to work collaboratively and achieve common goals, reinforcing the core values of leadership, resilience, and community service.

Each day included morning, afternoon and evening activities aimed at building camaraderie and setting a positive tone for the trip. Whether it was a creative task such as design a roller-coaster or confidence building experiences exercises like the leap of faith, students quickly learned the importance of supporting one another and developing a unified spirit.

The residential trip to Haiwan Park was a resounding success, providing our Year 6 and 7 students with valuable experiences that will stay with them for a lifetime. The leadership and resilience they developed will undoubtedly benefit them in their future endeavors, both inside and outside the classroom. We look forward to more such enriching experiences and I thank all the staff, instructors and students for making this trip an incredible journey of growth and learning.