This week in Primary the students have had the opportunity to be time-travellers (historians), or authors, or journalists, or environmentalists, or interior designers, to name but a few, as we offer the children ways to apply their learning to real-life situations.

Please read on to see what our children have been learning about this week:

Year 1 have been learning about rhythm in Music and recorded their own version of ‘Green Anaconda’. In Science, they have continued their investigation of wild plants and each created their own dream garden, choosing and labelling plants. They have also travelled back in time in History to 1830, when the first steam train was built, and written about how they would have felt if they had travelled on that first steam train.

Year 2 have been working hard this week creating 3D models of shapes. They have been learning new vocabulary, such as vertices, faces and edges to classify different 3D shapes. In English, the children have been busy re-writing their class story of ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ – a tale about plastic pollution in our oceans. This theme has continued in Topic, where the children have been designing posters to encourage people to reduce their plastic use.

In Year 3 topic work the children have started to create their own lap book based on their interests. For example, some children have chosen World War 2, whilst others have picked to research snakes, business and how to make money! It has been a wonderful opportunity for the children to explore their interests creatively and inform others. In Maths, they have been hard at work measuring accurately to the nearest mm as well as using different operations to solve a variety of problems.

Year 4 have been busy writing very persuasive emails against the development of a coal power station. Then further developing their persuasive writing skills as they wrote from the perspective of planet earth persuading humankind to stop polluting! In Maths they have been calculating the area and perimeter of compound shapes.

Year 5 have written some fantastic newspaper articles describing, explaining and informing the reader about a battle between the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons. In Maths they have been statisticians as they have learnt to read and interpret data from a straight line graph and solve problems involving rate.

Year 6 have helped Mr Stacey choose the best wallpaper for his dining room as they calculate how much is needed and, perhaps more importantly, how much it costs! They are really developing their mathematical skills as they tackle maths brain teasers and use BODMAS to solve some tricky problems. In Media Studies they have studied different costumes for the characters of Shakespearean plays and considered which are most appropriate for the character and why.

I hope you have a lovely and peaceful weekend.

Katherine Mustoe
Head of Primary