In EYFS, we are continuously developing and building our learning opportunities for children to expand and broaden their knowledge and ideas. This week Reception were introduced to a ‘Gruffalo café’ in their corridor where the children can have continuous cross-curricular provision based on their topic, developing Literacy, Mathematic along with personal social interaction skills. Reception’s Gruffalo café allows all children to put their in-class learning into practice in different contexts with an interactive creative spin. Miss Smyth and Mr Hapgood have been delighted with the children’s enthusiasm for displaying their work, creating ideas from the Gruffalo theme, but most of all the love for sharing ideas and thinking while engaging in their learning. Well done Reception!

I wonder what Pre-Nursery and Nursery will be up to within their continuous provision. Keep an eye out in next weeks newsletter to find out.


‘Tick Tock Tick Tock, Dong’

Our friend, Mouse, has joined us again in Pre-Nursery as we explored the concept of ticking clocks through the rhyme ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’. The children enjoyed making the mouse run up and down the clock using Makaton actions as we sang the rhyme. Using the directions of ‘up’ and ‘down’, Pre-Nursery spent time following these directions through action games. We then put our understanding to practice as we used electronic mice to go up and down the clock. There was excitement all around as we used the remote control to whizz the mice around!

Developing our gross motor skills, Pre-Nursery explored different movements they could do if they were the mouse on the clock. We explored running, stomping, crawling, tiptoeing, and so much more. While pretending to be clocks, we used our strong-arm muscles to create circular motions of the clock hands go round and round.


What do they do with all the poo from the animals in the Zoo? What a funny, rhyming story we enjoyed this week in Nursery! We discussed our story and decided whether or not parts were true or false. We heard the rhyming sounds and played on words in our story and enjoyed talking about the icky subject of poo!

“Poo goes in the loo!” We learnt about the importance of washing our hands and practiced the wipe and fold method while cleaning up sticky butter off a surface. Children talked about how important it is to keep ourselves clean and in taking care of our health.

Nursery explored the insides of their bodies and tracked the path of the digestive system. We learnt that poo is basically unwanted waste moving out of the body. Nursery attempted to make drawings of their digestive tract and giggled at the pictures we found in a scientific book about the body.


It has been another magical week in Reception. This week the children read the story, ‘Room on a Broom’ and used this as a basis to make their own magical potions and thought about who they would want to make room for on their broom. The children acted the part of a wizard wonderfully before using different materials to make a magical broom! The children also enjoyed answering questions in our ‘Conversation Station.’

In Maths lessons we reviewed telling the time to the hour before solving time problems; finding times one hour earlier and later. The children had lots of fun in finding the hidden clocks in our outdoor area!

Isla Gillespie

Head of Early Years