This week in EYFS the children have begun to delve into their new topics. Pre-Nursery are discovering all about themselves through, ‘Me and My Senses’, Nursery are leaping into ‘Seasons and Celebrations’, while Reception are discovering about ‘Food Around the World’. To find out more about the topic your child is learning about please do look at the topic Curriculum Overview on Tapestry. Here you will be able to see key concepts that your child will be learning about each week.

This week in Pre-Nursery we have continued to identify parts of the body, focusing on our faces. We have made our own funny faces using craft materials and we have painted a funny face using different colours. We have begun to learn about emotions, focusing on the simple ones such as sad, happy, angry, sleepy, hot, cold and hungry. This week we have also been exploring the number two, counting our two hands, two ears, two legs, two eyes etc.

Nursery have been immersed in the colourful sites of Autumn this week. Children enjoyed nature walks and collecting Autumn leaves to complete their own Hedgehog Leaf Art collage and got busy developing their fine motor skills when counting out the correct number of pegs to each leaf.
We learnt all about the changing environment the season brings and the types of animals that scurry around busily feeding in preparation for Winter. The children also enjoyed learning an action Nursery Rhyme about a scarecrow, it was lots of fun!

In our Phonics lessons we focused on the sounds, ‘c’ and ‘k’. The children consolidated their previous learning by continuing to blend sounds and make CVC words. We also completed various activities such as; a kite craft, making our own magic clouds and creating our own special animal.

This week during our Maths lessons, we emphasised the importance of counting; we played class games and interactive games to practice counting to 20 and recognising the number with the quantity. We also introduced Reception to the concept of addition; completing simple sums and writing the answers on our own whiteboards.

November 5th is Bonfire Night in the UK, so this week we decided to base our Topic lessons on Bonfire Night. The children learnt all about Bonfire Night; why and how we celebrate it. They then had a go at making their own exploding firework pictures and designing their own firework. We had so much fun doing these activities and you can see Reception’s amazing designs on display on the Art work board in each classroom.